Today is my sweet husband, Derek's, birthday! He turns 37 today! I told him this morning I had been thinking it was 20 years ago, the day after his birthday, that he called me. I was 15 and he had just turned 17. I don't think that was the very first time we talked on the phone because I remember the first time he called me he referred to himself as "This is the boy from church." My family had joined a new church when I was in eighth grade. It was a much bigger church than I was used to with a large youth group, so when he first called me I didn't really know who he was. He came over to watch TV one night and was around A LOT after that! He says he "wore me down," by his persistence and eventually we were inseparable. There was a strict rule in my house that my sisters and I could not date until we were 16, so Derek and I did our time holding down the sofa watching TV. I vividly remember my mother telling us one evening we could go to a movie, and we were beside ourselves with excitement! I wasn't 16 yet, but I think my mom knew even then that Derek was a good boy and she trusted the "boy from church." I jokingly tease her even now that I think she loves Derek more than me! Ha!
Now, here we are celebrating his birthday 20 years later, and I could not love him more. Anyone who knows Derek will tell you instantly he is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, and he IS! He is a lot more than that to me though. He is my best friend, and I'm so glad God brought us together at such an early age.

Me and the "boy from church" going to my Junior prom.
Tonight I made one of his favorite dinners...pot roast, creamed corn, roasted potatoes, rolls, and I also had a chocolate birthday cake for him with cream cheese icing (ala Duncan Hines). He loved his birthday cards and presents. He got a couple of shirts but was more excited about these...

He also got a "Memory Man." Sounds like something I need more than he does. I can't remember anything these days (memory loss due to children I think)! Anyway, Derek is quite a guitar player. I admire him because he pretty much taught himself by ear and by watching "how to" DVDs. He is a huge fan of the band Boston and can play all of their songs. I tell him all the time I think he was born in the wrong era because he loves just about all 70's music. He also has played guitar and sang praise songs at church. He is really good! This is a picture of him in his "office." Evidentally, the "Memory Man" will loop and layer (whatever that means). He is so happy to have it. I guess that's all that matters, and I'm sure there will be masterpieces emerging from the office soon. : )
Oh my gosh...I never realized how much Evan looks like Derek until that last picture! I always thought he favors you, and now I can see he's a great combo of the both of you!
You are such a good wife! Jon's birthday dinner means I pick up the phone to order pizza instead of asking him to do it. :)
It sounds like you have a wonderful husband, Leigh Ann!
That was so sweet! You and "DerBear" are just the perfect couple! God definitely new what he was doing when has had "the boy from church" call you! and who knew.. you friends were right all along! You did LOVE him just as much! :) I love you guys! Happy Birthday Derek!
How sweet! I love the story of how ya'll came together. Like you, I'm so thankful I married my high school sweetheart. It gives us a tons of photos to laugh at!!!
You two are so sweet! I admire the relationship you share and how long you have been together. There is a lot to say for that!!! Sweet Evan looks just like his dad!
"The boy from church." That is really cute! I loved reading that story!
Seriously, he is one of the nicest people that I have ever met! I am glad that we guys have met over the years, even if I would change the circumstances under which we met! Happy bday Derek!
I love that picture of ya'll going to prom! You look so pretty!!!
Derek is your perfect match! I can't believe you have been together TWENTY years!!!!!
Happy Birthday Derek!!!!
"Derek I love you with my whole heart, and I've got a BIG heart so that's a whole lotta lovin"
I'll never forget that night...oh the memories.
Love you
Happy Birthday Big D!
Happy Birthday Derek!!!
I love the old pictures of Derek. Happy Birthday!!!
Leigh Ann, What a sweet story of young love! Love the prom are both so cute! I can't decide who is blessed or Derek? Happy Birthday and many more blessings to come Derek! LeighAnn, you are such a sweet wife and mother!
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