We had a fabulous Easter. We celebrated all weekend. Saturday, we spent the day at my sister, Millicent's, house. We had a delicious meal of BBQ with all the trimmings. The kids played outside, dyed Easter eggs, and then hunted eggs. We all had a great time.

Sunday, we surprised my grandmother by going to the Easter service at her church. My mom and my grandmother were both in their Easter program. My grandmother sang in the choir and my mom had a part in the play. It was a really good program and they did a great job. We sat in the back of the church just in case Ella was too loud, but she did great! She waved at my grandmother in the choir loft and kept calling for, "Gwanny." Here are the children before we left for the service. They look sweeter than they were acting! They were both ready to go and had no patience for pictures! Ella was crying two seconds before this...

After the service, we went to lunch with my sister, Millicent, and her husband, Phillip. No weight watchers was happening this weekend! We ate huge cheesesticks and cheeseburgers! They were so good!
What a wonderful weekend! I love spending time with my family, and it was great to go to a wonderful service celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. I think my blogfriend, Mrs. Judy, said it best, "We should celebrate every day!"
What a wonderful weekend! I love spending time with my family, and it was great to go to a wonderful service celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. I think my blogfriend, Mrs. Judy, said it best, "We should celebrate every day!"
I want to give a special shout out to my Aunt Barbara *(aka "Burb" by all the grandkids). She reads my blog! :) She is a wonderful lady and I'm so thankful she is my aunt. She does so much for my entire family. She helped me a ton with Ella Grace while Derek was deployed. I don't know what I would have done without her.

Isn't she cute!
I hope you all had a great Easter celebration!
First of all - Sarah is so cute!!!!
What a great weekend you had. That's neat that you went to your mom's church! Ella's dress is PRECIOUS!! She looks adorable. And Evan looks SO grown up in his outfit!!!! Like a preppy teenager! :-)
Your aunt is cute!
Mom and I were talking this weekend about how you are one of the nicest people we have ever known.
I'm glad ya'll had a great Easter! Your kids both look adorable! Ella's dress is so pretty and Evan looks super cute!!
I love their Easter outfits! And the picture of Ella Grace right after she had been crying is great! She obviously loves the camera and can turn on that cute smile at any time!
Those are such cute pictures! I love Ella Grace's dress! She is getting so big!!! Where does time go??? I am glad you guys had such a good Easter weekend. It is always good to share it with family. I love the pic of you and your aunt. So cute! Have a great week, LAH!
What a great Easter ya'll had! Your kids look so good in their Easter Sunday attire! Oh, and dying easter eggs is such fun! My sister and I used to do that every Easter!
How very sweet of you all to go to church to see your mom and grandma! I bet they were DELIGHTED to say the least. You children looked adorable. Really, is there anything sweeter than little kids dressed up for Easter?? I think it represents our being dressed up some day in our new heavenly garments, standing fresh and clean before our Lord!
The kids look so cute in their Easter outfits. Looks like you had a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, I took the weekend off of WW, too!
I just found your blog through Kelly's Korner...I read KK a lot since she grew up with one of my really good friends, Jamie. Anyway, I have a daughter Ella Grace , too! Your Ella is precious...I just never have met another Ella Grace...lots of Ella's, though...stop by some time...www.pengellylove.blogspot.com.
Melody :-)
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