Wow! Last night was CRAZY! That seems to be how we roll these days.
Monday we took Evan swimming. He was SO happy to be checked out of school early to enjoy is most favorite activity. I hate that Evan is in school this summer, but I wanted to be sure his skill level stayed up for his transition to "big school" that is right around the corner. This will be the last summer he has school all year around, and I know he will be so happy next summer. I've already found myself a bit stressed thinking about how I'll be able to keep him busy. I've been telling Derek that the problem would be solved if he would just put a pool in our backyard. Yeah, it's that simple, right?
After our trip to the pool, I made spaghetti for the kids, fed them, and then started on mine and Derek's meal. Der grilled steaks for us and we had a baked potato and garlic bread. It was SO yummy! I needed to eat a good meal so I would have my strength up for what lied ahead of me...a haircut for Evan!
Evan HATES to get a haircut. I have only taken him twice to get it cut by a professional. His very first haircut went very well. He was an angel. The next time we took him, I thought it would be a great idea to take him to an old fashioned barber shop. Oh my word! He got the biggest bowl cut you have ever seen! It made my heart so sad. I seriously almost cried going to the car. Plus, Evan did not enjoy that experience one bit. So, since that whole episode, I got my own clipper set, and I do it myself. I usually cut is pretty short because the entire event is equivalent to wrestling an alligator. Derek wrestles and I trim. It's quite the scene, not to mention all the screaming and crying going on. So, after my yummy steak dinner, I get Ringo (seriously, Evan was starting to resemble one of the Beatles) ready for his haircut.
Ringo before. Check out those chops...

Here he is after. As you can see from his expression, he is not very happy with us. We can now see our beautiful boy again...

The madness didn't stop there though. After this, both children got their nails trimmed. It was ugly! They both hated it! Is this your experience as well? I really don't get what the big deal is. Anyway, they are all groomed and pretty now. I've already started thinking about next time...I'm tired already!
You are so funny! I am glad that you had a wonderful day of swimming =)! When you visit in September, I will be sure to put a bug in Derek's ear about the pool =)!
Evan's hair is so precious! I am so impressed that you do it yourself...WOW! I have to wait until Vance is asleep to trim his nails...he does not like it one bit!
Evan's haircut is precious! Sorry it is such a dreadful experience though! :)
Oh, and I love the title of this post!! I was VERY curious. :)
Oh my gosh, Leigh Ann!!! That story is so funny and so draining at the same time!! Bless EVERYONE'S heart in that story!
I hate that Evan is so upset about getting his hair cut! He sure did look cute when it was all over, though!
Whew! At least you don't have to worry about it again for a while.
His haircut looks great! I'm impressed that you are able to cut his hair. I cut Chad's hair and have tried many times to cut the boys hair but they are just all over the place. They actually act better for the hairdresser than for me.
You did good, mama!
You did a great job on the cut! Evan's hair looks awesome! I bet you are tired!
Oh, I love Evan's haircut!! You did a great job! I laughed out loud at the "wrestling an alligator" part!
Oh dear! You did a great job and he looks precious!
I feel the same way when it's time to trim our dog's fingernails. Oh my word, it is awful and I dread it for days!
Evan looks very handsome! Kam always hates getting his hair cut too!
I'm impressed with your hair cutting skills! And, the nail thing. Yep, I can relate. I still have to chase W. around, and he's 11. He does clip them himself, but only after I threaten him...a lot.
That is so funny! Rhett (usually) does great at his haircuts--thankfully Mrs. Debbie is in good shape and doesn't mind an aerobic workout while trying to cut his hair--he moves around a lot and talks a lot and asks to see the clippers, etc. She's great with him though. Alexee hates to have her nails trimmed. I'm afraid I'm going to accidentally break one of her fingers because I have to hold onto her so tight to do it!
Evan is such a handsome boy--that dark hair and those dark eyes--he's precious! You did a great job on the cut...I'm so impressed!
Goodness girl! You and Derek have your hands full with those two! I am SO impressed with your hair cutting skills!!! Does Derek let you get ahold of his head as well? No worries on the nail thing - as soon as Ella Grace discovers the girlie-ness of manicures and pedicures she'll be BEGGING you to trim and paint her nails every day I am sure!!
Cute little man!!! Evan is adorable!!!
Had some catching up to do on your blog....
(1) My husband has the exact same shirt as your husband in the July 4th picture.
(2) I can see some resemblance in the Laura Bush look a like. I'll have to try to do that when I get caught up!
Oh my - that sounds like a tough night. I'm glad you had steak to start it off with.
Evan's hair looks really good though! You do a great job - maybe you should take customers?
Girl, you are quite the stylist! Evans' haircut is adorable. That child has the most beautiful face. I mean, handsome face. Sorry Evan. HA!
What sweet pictures! Even though he looks like he's about to knife someone! I am highly impressed that you cut it yourself. I wouldn't have enough confidence to do that to D-Man. As for getting nails trimmed? EG has a lot of manis and pedis to look forward to with her TN Girlz!
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