We are having a pretty good summer so far. It's been a busy and hot one, but we are finding ways to have a little fun in our schedule and trying to stay cool.
Evan is really enjoying his A-Camp and his program at Easter Seals. He just finished up two weeks at Easter Seals and he did fantastic with the STAR (Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research) program. At the end of each week, the parents get to meet with someone who has worked with their child over the week to give feedback. I have to admit I had tears when the occupational therapist that worked with him was saying how smart Evan was and how quickly he picks up on things. I know this about him, but it was so nice to hear someone who doesn't know us well also make that observation. It made my day! Autism makes Evan's brain work differently, and I'm so thankful we have found a learning style that works so well for him. That can be the difficult thing about autism...what works for one child, doesn't necessarily work for another.
Everything he does at Easter Seals is a learning opportunity. He has come home with some incredible crafts he has made and treats he has prepared in cooking time. I thought this sushi roll was SO cute.
This was his first day going into A-Camp. He looks so big! His favorite thing here so far is the playground and the fish tank that is in the classroom (all boy I tell you). They are doing great things here, too. Evan was only there a week before Easter Seals started and he had the best time including a private concert by Brian Kinder (who is a well-known children's musical artist). He'll be having fun at camp for the next three weeks. =)

We are having THE best time in our swimming pool. We are so busy in the mornings, we usually don't get out there until about 2:00. The water is nice and warm by then. =) Derek got to swim in it all of two times before he had to go out of town for a month with work. The kids and I get in it every single day. We are planning on spending most of the day out there today, and Ella Grace is having her friends over this week for a playdate. The hardest part is the kids being patient enough for me to coat them with sunscreen. They hate it! Evan is tanning right through it though. He is already brown as a berry. I used to be that way when I was little, too. I took these pictures the first time we were able to get in the pool.
Oh, and lastly, something Ella Grace said to me this week, "Momma, I like your hair. It's just like a puppy dog!" Ummmm, ok, I'm taking that as a compliment because she loves dogs, but REALLY? Ha! Happy Summer, y'all!
Ya'll ARE having a great summer! How could ya not with such sweet, cute kids and that awesome pool! Hope ya'll have a wonderful Sunday, sweet Leigh Ann!!
EG is a mess!
I am so proud of Evan - sounds like he is doing amazing!
You are making me want a pool SO bad!!!!
The pool is AMAZING!! How fun for those sweet kiddos.
It sounds like Evan has some awesome summer opportunities. You are blessed to have them at your disposal.
EG is SOOO funny! I helped in the nursery a couple of Sunday nights ago and one of the two year olds told me (when I took her to the bathroom and she got close to my hair), "Just look at that pretty hair!" I got so tickled.
OH- that pool looks SO GOOD! Evan is just darlin' and so is EG!
So glad for you that Evan loves his A camp! Ya'll all will look like you have been on a tropical vacation after being in your own pool everyday! It is beautiful!
Your pool looks great! What a great way to beat this heat. I am so glad that Evan is enjoying camp. It sounds awesome. Ella Grace is so cute and funny. This age group says the cutest things. My MK keeps me laughing all of the time.
How fun! I just want to jump right in! Looks very inviting esp since our temp says 101 right now! I'm so glad that Evan is having such an awesome summer! EG is something else! :)
Yay!! I was so excited to see pictures of your pool. I have been waiting to see how much fun ya'll were having!! I'm so glad Evan is doing so well. I know you are glad about that.
EG is so funny. I remember one time my little brother was standing on the seat of the car next to my mom (before the days of required carseats). I think he was about EG's age. My mom had just gotten her hair all teased up tall and sprayed to high heaven. He was touching it and said, "Mommy I like your hair! It feels like a potato chip!" :)
Leigh Ann,
Evan is SO adorable!!! I just love his rice krispie treat sushi roll!! What a great summer you're having! I'm jealous of your pool!!
That looks like SO much fun! And, that sun ledge looks so cool!
The pool looks awesome and I am cracking up about what EG said! If I want an honest opinion, I can always count on my five yr old. (And even when I don't neccessarily want an honest one for that matter! ha!)
Glad that Evan is doing well in the Easter Seals program. I got to tour the facility when I worked for another company after we had done a fundraiser. It's a great place!
It looks like ya'll are having fun! The pool looks AMAZING! I know it is so nice to have that. That ledge was a GREAT idea. Have a great week!
Sounds like a great summer. The pool is beautiful!
SUCH FUN! My parents put their pool in the year I entered kindergarten... and we have enjoyed it ever since! I have been down there three weekends in a row - so you have years and years and YEARS of enjoyment to look forward to in your pool!!!!
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